Kear Chan and Letitia Maxwell are the newest member of the LCC Board of Elders.
We are grateful to the four nominees who expressed a willingness to serve as an Elder; they each received a wide level of support.
May God continue to bless our Pastors and Elders, who have been serving our congregation faithfully and passionately.
Kear Lim is a founding member of Living Water Community Church. She was born in Cambodia and came to Chicago as a refugee in the 1980’s, when she was welcomed by Living Water’s sister church, Reba Place Church, and became a Christian. Kear’s husband, Chiv Lim, and her daughter, Sophany Chan, are also members of Living Water. Kear is a regular worship leader and preacher for our Cambodian service, and is active in the Saturday night Khmer house Bible study fellowship group. She leads the LWCC Cambodian Dance Team with Sophany. She brings experience, age, and wisdom to the elder’s group.
Letitia Maxwell has been a member of Living Water since 2016, shortly after she moved to Rogers Park to live near her son. Letitia is a member of Living Water’s Friday morning women’s Bible study. She is also a worship leader. Born in Jamaica, Letitia lived most of her adult life in Brooklyn, New York with her husband and son, where she was a very active and much beloved member of her church there for over thirty years. She’s been a follower of Jesus since she was a young girl.
Dennis Bradley
Kear and Tim.