Children and Youth Services

Sunday School

All of the individuals who care for and teach our children must complete a background check before doing so. No adult in the care of our children works alone.

Sunday School
Age-grouped classes for preschool through high school are offered from 10:30 to 11:30, September through mid-June. During the summer months, the Sunday School time is replaced with activities and games, outdoors if weather permits.

Nursery Care
Nursery care for infants to four-year-olds is available during the second half of the worship service. Care is provided by a rotation of volunteer teams (mostly parents). Children may be left in the nursery, or parents may opt to remain in the nursery with them.


Sunday Mornings
Join us for Sunday morning worship and Sunday School from 9:30 to 11:30 am! 

Youth Group

We offer our teens several opportunities to cultivate discipleship. They meet three Sunday afternoons a month to eat, hang out, worship, and visit other members’ homes in order to connect with adult members of the Body of Christ. Our senior-high teens also meet on Tuesday nights to discuss things on a more mature and intimate level. We are intentional about our youth having safe spaces in which to ask hard questions, wrestle with God, be vulnerable with one another, connect with their community, and build relational skills in a multicultural environment.


Our teens have several retreats throughout the year. We have a junior high retreat in the fall and a senior high retreat in the late spring, both in Camp Lake, Wisconsin. Our teens also attend senior high and junior high winter retreats at Menno Haven Camp and Retreat Center in Tiskilwa, Illinois.